Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Book Challenge

I was reading a blog post by Seth Godin, or was is a post from Life Hacker?? I can't recall now, but regardless, what I took away from the post is what matters. One of the posts talked about setting a goal to read a book in one week, for an entire year. I thought hell yes, I want to do this! But after 4-5 days of making this half-a$$'ed goal, I realized I've only read 2 days and um, maybe I should make a new goal: read one book every month, for a year.

Ok then.

So I'm currently reading a non-fiction best seller by author Bill Bryson, called "A Short History of Nearly Everything". Jason gave the book to me after I had done some sad complaining about how I miss learning/school/challenging myself/blah blah blah. He hands this book to me and says, "...here, learn a little bit about everything." Oh how I love that man.

I have about 3-4 books lined up that I want to finish reading: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, and "The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark" by Sera Beak. 

I have seriously started all of them and some of them I'm only a chapter into, or have read 3/4 of the way through. But I'm going to start from the beginning on each of them and FINISH THEM. I have great intentions and love reading. So I often START a book, but seem to fail miserably in actually completing the book. Sad, huh?

Ok. So Bill Bryson's book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" is 478 pages. I am 57 pages in. June has 30 days, but we're 5 days in. I need to read about 16 pages a day, and to catch up on missed days... I need to read about 20 pages today. So easy! I can totally handle 16 pages a day.

Here we go!!

Any goals for the summer or for the year that anyone wants to share?

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