Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sister Friends!

This whole Day Light Savings thing has actually been a blessing... Weston started going to bed around 8pm, then 7:45pm and then each night it would creep up about 10-15 minutes. And before I knew it, he was tired and ready for sleep by 7:30pm. Since he was going to bed earlier, he'd be WIDE EYED and BUSHY TAILED by 6am. No thank you. I liked our original sleep sched: bed time for Weston at 8:30pm, wake up at 7:15-7:30am. But like I said, thanks to day light savings, it's like things are back to normal! Weston just fell asleep at 8:20pm, which would've been 7:20pm before day light savings, and now he wakes up around 7am again, versus that daunting hour of 6am. Eeek.

So now that my little guy is sound asleep, hopefully dreaming of boobies and milk, or as of late, his new favorite thing, aside from nursing, is his sippy cup full of coconut/almond milk and some protein powder. It's heaven sent. It's seriously a milestone for us! Weston never liked his sippy cups. He NEVER drank from a bottle as a baby...and now that he likes to carry his sippy cup and drink an entire bottle of milk from it throughout the day is unbelievably surreal. I just love it... he's making headway. Slowly but surely.

Today, my sister Rach and I had a play date with our old friend April. She isn't OLD, but we've known each other since we were little kids. We all grew up in Bellingham together, singing primary songs and having regular family play dates.. two big Mormon families with a lot of kids and lot of fun. She blogs a lot too, and just recently completed the 30 day Paleo challenge! Check out her Healthy Adventures blog here.

Here's the recap of our day via photographs! Enjoy:

Rachel, April & me... cheese!!

Weston, Kingston & Kai (Kendall was sleepin')

Weston was rolling around behind Kendall and thought it was so fun...he was cracking up.

Look at Kenny's sad face!
Too Cute.. cousin Weston accidentally swipped Kendall on the side of the face with his foot.

Yumm... Kendall's spit of drool :)

Trying to give the boys a hug...they're not really interested.

I love this one of Kendall & his Mommy <3 

Kendall's got his drum stick, watch out ya'll!

I told Rach her feet were filthy. She replied, "Hmm, must be from my kitchen floor." I just cracked up. It's like... um, duh! I love her. Sorry Rachel.. I had to post this pic. You're laughing in the background, too. I love it.

I spy Weston sneaking more snacks!

He was kind of terrified of the big blue ball...
Last activity of the day, I went to Karibou Salon in Fairhaven (Bellngham) and got my hair trimmed


Grandma said...

such cuteness. I loved the dirty feet, sounds like me.

RachelMorris said...

MEAGAN LEMKE HOLDEN! I can't believe you put my feetsies up. IT'S OK, they're good feet. I love these pictures. Especially Kendall's sad face and Weston sneaking snacks!