Monday, January 9, 2012

No shuteye

It's strangely early in the morning. I woke up at 1:30am to nurse my darling baby boy. He usually wakes up every 3-4 hours in the night. I typically have no trouble laying my head back on the pillow and falling sound asleep after our midnight feeding sessions, but tonight my eyelids didn't feel summoned to stay closed. I told myself that,  "...if 30 minutes go by, I'm going to get up and work out." Haaaa... but then I thought, now that would only get me rip-roaring ready for the day to start and I need to be falling asleep.

So, instead of working out, I did the next logical thing: created a blog!

I have been contemplating this for months now. I recently started following other peoples blogs and thought, why would anyone want to read what I have to say about life anyways?

Then I sat myself down and thought, even if no one but myself reads this, I will have gotten the "writing bug" within me going and I can expel some random thought for hopefully, a clearer mind.

Friends have told me all my life that I should write a memoir or a book about my life. I suppose my life has had some peculiar happenings, but don't most? And most recently, one of my closest friends suggested that I create a blog...she is planning to start a family with her husband later this summer, and wants to know all my little quirks and the details surrounding my newest adventure into motherhood.

Well here we are 2012. This is one of my many resolutions, coming into action. The more I write, the more free and gratifying I feel.

I can't wait to discuss my journey into training for a Figure Competition, creating a bit of independence as my son wrestles with the joy of solids and continues to breastfeed, and lastly my husband Jason is going back to school.

All I can say is...bring it on!

Here's a little family photo taken in December 2011. Thanks for letting me ramble. Until next time.


April said...

Good for you. I think blogging is a great way to journal. I am horrible at keeping a journal so that is what blogging has done for me. Plus, it is really fun to go back after months/years and read about what I/my family were going through. By the way I would love to read your tips on weight loss and especially you get your body looking like it does!

Rach said...

Sweet! Love blogs. Obviously:)

I'm with April, I'm horrible with writing in my journal, but i can do blogging. It's so fun to look back on. You'll love it.

Yay for blog friends!

RachelMorris said...

I'm so excited for this, its such a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Meagan, I love it! I have the biggest smile right now. I am hooked and will read on. Yes please, yes please!

Leslie said...

Meagan! You are such an inspiration! Thank you so much for your advice; I truly believe Paleo has changed my life :). I look forward to reading more!