Tuesday, November 20, 2012

F*d up Holiday

"No one’s gonna take my soul away, 
I'm living like Jim Morrison.
Headed towards a fucked up holiday."-- Lana Del Rey

I was thinking how true it is that yes, no one is gonna take my soul away... but I'm not necessarily living like Jim Morrison, however, I agree that I am headed for a fucked up holiday.

Here's why... 

It's so fucked up that this is the first Holiday without family together. Jason is out of the picture, so it's just me and Dubs. My mom will be in the hospital on Thanksgiving for Wayne's 2nd knee surgery, and so there we have it: a fucked up holiday. 

I mean, I guess you could call if fucked up: divorce, no real plans, no momma-mother-matriarch to plan a Thanksgiving as she'll be tending her husband in surgery.

But really, I am truly grateful for all of it.

I am so grateful for such a fucking fantastic family. 

I live with one of the most inspiring, self educated, talented, charismatic persons in the world: Ben, my brother. 
He is such a god-send. He volunteers to watch Weston while I run to the grocery store. I mean this is huge.. going to the grocery store without a kid in-tow is like a mini-vacation, SeRIOUS!

Ok, so then I pull into the parking lot of our apartment and I see Ben and Weston swinging and dancing from the sidewalk. I just know Weston has so much fun with Uncle Ben. 

I know that Weston loves his Oma Becky, and looks forward to seeing her when I head to work during the week.

I am so grateful for my sister, Rachel...she offers me life and longevity and helps put things in perspective. I am so lucky we accidentally had kids together, only 3 months apart.

I am also grateful for my friendships: Liz, you inspire me to believe in myself and acknowledge the greatness that resides within me. Your example to love, lead and explore inspire me.

I'm also so lucky for the friendships I have at work and love them. I look forward to each day at work and could not ask to work for a better company and group of people.

I am truly so fortunate to have such kindness, generosity, love and compassion given to me by others. I hope to reciprocate it.

I am grateful for my health. I don't always remember that I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) but I am so fortunate to have the ability to eat clean and well, and for that I am blessed to experience less episodes of pain and flare ups (thank you Paleo!). I think sometimes I take for granted the health of my body, until a day comes when it hurts to walk or un-buckle my seat-belt. So I'd just like to take this moment to be grateful and say thank you for my health, my family, friends, my job...and I'd like to say thank you for my mind and the soul I have. I cannot imagine a better place I'd rather be right now, than in my apartment with Ben slaving away on side graphic design jobs (albeit he's still drinking coffee at 10pm, lol), Weston sound asleep in his bedroom and me putting dinner left overs away, balancing my budget tracker...and blogging.

Life is pretty fucking fantastic. And yes, I get to say fucking, because it's how I feel :)

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll.


Friends-Giving at my Sister Rachel's house (she's in the Red Dress)--- we have in order from left to right: Leslie, Becca, Janel, Kendall (Rache's son Kendall), the two long-brown-haired beauties in the middle are sisters and I can't recall their names :(, then Rachel (my sis), and me with Dubs on top :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Choose...

I sat down to re-write my 10 year vision and goals... and instead out poured this 'journal entry': 

What I do know is that I create my life. I choose everyday who to be, How to love, and How to show gratitude, patience and love.

I choose light, hope, love, my son, my family. 
I choose me.
I create possibility. 
I choose my thoughts, my future, my goals, what I think, I can create and I become.

I am powerful.
I am strong.

I am not a doormat, to sit and be stepped on. 
I am not a pillow to be slept on or next to and forgotten about.
I am not a soul that is molded into an ideal "thing" or concept.

I am a woman, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a lover and I am deserving of love and acknowledgement.

Do not put me in a box- do not label me, or try to sand my edges. 
Do not ignore me, or mock me.
Do not fall out of love with me.

I am me. 
I am Meagan.
I am worthy of love and belonging.

I choose possibility. 
I choose family.
I choose, I choose, I choose to be present and grateful everyday.
I choose to love and I choose light- I choose God to show me the light.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pumpkin Painting

Post Halloween pumpkin fun!

My mom bought Weston the cutest little pumpkin book called, "It's Pumpkin Day, Mouse!" (from the Mouse series: 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...'). 

It teaches toddlers how to recognize facial expressions, and associates the name with the face and feeling. It is adorable and Weston loves it.

We finally got around to painting our Halloween pumpkins, albeit, AFTER Halloween...but better late than never!

Here's what we did:

Just like in the book, we painted a Happy pumpkin, a Sad pumpkin, a Surprised pumpkin, a Silly pumpkin and a SCARY pumpkin. Weston's favorite is the scary one. He had to show Mickey Mouse his pumpkins, too!

Happy Pumpkin Day to all!