No joke, all morning I have been debating whether or not I should touch up the nasty brown roots on my hair, or wait for my girlfriend Jodi (who does hair professionally) to come up this weekend and do my hair, Ombre style. I really want to mix things up and go bold with a new look, but I feel stuck in the long hair, blonde color rut...and now, me, Meagan Lemke (holden) is SCARED to do something DIFFERENT with my hair. What has the world come to?
So, I took it as a sign, when just an hour or less ago, my other girlfriend, Rachel, posted on her blog that she just did her hair "DIY Ombre". She did it herself, none-the-less! It looks fantastic too actually. So,'s a sign. Right?
On a side note, Jason and I finally worked out together again. It's been ages since we've worked out together. Probably almost a year. I haven't worked out in general for nearly 3 months. I have done Zumba a couple times at Riverside Health Club here in Mt. Vernon. My co-worker/friend teaches it. Georgina is amazing! She has all the latina flare you could ever hope for and need in a dance class.
So last night, after putting Weston to bed, Jason and I pumped some iron!
I did straight leg dead-lifts, my favorite. I maxed at 135lb. It was so hard to do 5 reps of those, OMG! I used to be able to squeeze that weight out, no biggie. It's amazing what you lose when you don't use, ya know!?
Then I did a bit of core work: some crunches, planks, side planks. I did a glute bridges and scorpions before my dead-lifts to warm up my buns and back... If you don't know what scorpions are, check this link out. Lay on your stomach, keep your shoulders and chin on the mat, and bend one knee as you lift that leg up (squeeeeze your glutes) and try to bring your bent leg over to your opposite hand. Switch sides. It works your back in ways you'd never know... it's a great stretch and warm up!
Then, to finish off my little mini-work out, I did some glute raises with a resistance band around my legs, and finally I did calf-raises while holding 15lb dumbbells in e/hand. I don't know why, but I have this infatuation with calves. I want big ones. Why? Because I think they're sexy.
ALSO, on another note: I am indeed keeping my word about reading a book a month. I have completed one book, called "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson for the month of June.It was so awesome to learn about the Earth and it's possible theories for nearly everything: how humans evolved, how old the earth is, how many trillions of plant species and fossils we can't put together or even name...basically what I REALLY took away from this book is that we really don't know much about is so funny in that, we want and search for answers but the more we learn, the more we realize we don't understand or don't know. It was fascinating to learn the who behind most of the amazing discoveries about DNA and the double helix and how we only understand about 25% of the human genome and the rest of the 75% we can't even figure out its' purpose!... and theories regarding gravity, particles/matter/atoms etc. is all quite exhilarating to learn about it, but mostly, we can't PROVE a lot of it, they're just theories. We can hardly begin to map out space, and we actually know more about space than we do our own ocean floors on our own planet. Crazy, huh!?
For the month of July, I ordered the book, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" by Naomi Wolf. She is an incredible speaker and author and moves me so much! There is a documentary about this book as well, it's about 73 minutes long, but it inspired me to read her book. Here is a quick synopsis of what the book/documentary is about:
The End of America Synopsis
In a stunning indictment of sweeping policy changes during the Bush years, best-selling author Naomi Wolf (The Beauty Myth) makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat. Investigating parallels between our current situation and the rise of dictators and fascism in once-free societies, Wolf uncovers a number of deeply unsettling similarities-from the use of paramilitary groups and secret prisons to the targeted suspension of the rule of law. With this galvanizing call to arms based on her recent book, she urges regular citizens to take back our legacy of freedom and justice.
Naomi writes about politics, social issues, and is a feminist too. In this book, "End of America" she outlines the 10 steps that seem to be present in order for an open society to become "closed"...she talks about the parallels (like Pinochet, Hitler, Mussolini) that are echoing throughout history, where liberty and freedom are lost (or taken away).
And unfortunately, I truly believe that we in America, are naive to think that it can't happen here in the United States, but I believe it has already happened and continues to happen... I sincerely encourage everyone to watch this video and decide for yourself. It's not about democrats or republicans...what I'm talking about is not about party lines, but about a greater and scarier reality that if American's, you and me, get lazy about and don't even KNOW what our rights are, what our Constitution provides us, our great nation will no longer exist as it should, as our Founding Father's had intended. ...and we'll be ruled by fear, by war, and we'll be told what to think and how to think by our government.
Ok. Go do it. Watch this video. Let me know what you think!